• Jonathan Trailer

  • Spoiler Alert!! "Jonathan" Reel of shots I did on this feature. Spoiler Alert!

  • "Jonathan" Slideshow of shots I did on this intense and emotional movie

  • Jonathan - on the beaches of the Baltic Sea

    on the beaches of the Baltic Sea

  • Jonathan - DP Jeremy Rouse with Jannis Niewöhner

    DP Jeremy Rouse with Jannis Niewöhner

  • Jonathan - reflecting the scene

    reflecting the scene



"Jonathan" is a very intense family drama. It’s about life and death and how you stand your ground with your own personality. The film urges the audience to sink into Jonathans world and is taken along to unveal layer for layer of his family’s history. There are a lot mood shots and detail imagery of animals surrounding them. They are a metaphor of what is obvious but easily overseen as well as the life part of the tagline. This is by far one of the best movies I‘ve done so far; life: award winning and recognized by several filmfestivals; death: totally underestimated by the cinemas featuring it.

Splinter Unit DP and B-Cameraoperator

Shot in Bavaria and at the Baltic Sea

Director: Pijotr Lewandowski

DP: Jeremy Rouse     http://www.jeremyrouse.com